Where is tidal power being used in the world? How is tidal power changing how we approach research into alternative energy sources? Is tidal power destined to be the best power for us all?

Tidal hydropower energy has various advantages. The first of these is reliability and consistency. Other alternative energy sources like wind and solar can have varying amounts of energy generated depending on the weather conditions. Tidal power energy can generate electricity by the clock and indefinitely. This means that shortages can be easily avoided. In addition, tidal turbines are efficient when it comes to generating energy. They can convert about 80 percent of the energy into electricity. Wind and solar energy generators convert much less. Of course, another great benefit of tidal power renewable energy is that it is environmentally friendly. There are no CO2 emissions that are damaging to the atmosphere or Sulfur Dioxide emissions responsible for acid rain.
Of course, like with any alternative energy source, there are disadvantages to tidal power energy. One disadvantage is that disrupting the tides dramatically affects the wildlife in the area. But scientists and engineers are looking for ways to work around this problem. Another disadvantage is that the start-up costs involved are very high and a lot of time is required for the construction projects, which can cost millions of dollars and take up to 10 years to build. But at the same time, any alternative energy generation system is expensive to build, and if you put a tidal barrage in a good area, it will make it worth it because it will generate a lot of energy. Of course, this brings us to the next disadvantage – that there is a limited number of locations where the installation of these tidal power energy generation plants would be economically feasible. To make them worth it, the volume of ebbing water has to be very high. Of course, many countries do not even have coastlines, so this kind of alternative energy is not relevant to them.
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10 Responses to “Tidal Power: Nature’s renewable hydro electric engine: Additional info”
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Tidal power is not the answer – it is just one mini solution amongst many. Put them all together though – and you do have the answer.
November 6th, 2010 at 10:27 amThe Severn Esturary scheme has been put off, not blocked. The report clearly states that in the future the sheme might go ahead.
November 6th, 2010 at 10:26 amAgree with last comment – Take the Severn estuary in England for example, which has one of the biggest tidal ranges in the world. Recently a move to install a tidal barrage there, which would supply 5% of England’s power needs, was blocked, partly, ironically, due to environmental concerns.
November 6th, 2010 at 10:26 amTidal power is a great clean source of energy, but the problem is that there are very few places where it is economically feasible to set up a tidal barrage system, and even when it is feasible, there are so many other concerns that it might not get done anyway.
November 6th, 2010 at 10:25 amYou are doing a great job at your blog, man. I have been always a reader of your blog.
August 23rd, 2010 at 5:31 pmThat’s a fascinated post!
August 20th, 2010 at 1:42 pmSuperb article ,I really appreciated with it, This is nice to read and valuable for future,I really bookmark it, for further read. Thanks for sharing. I like it.
August 17th, 2010 at 4:28 pmThe information I read about harnessing tidal power involves putting turbines in the tidal path, is that the only way to generate power? What if a “barge” the size of a battleship was anchored in a tidal basin and a structure built over it. Cables could be strung to the seabed below and the structure above. These cables would drive gearboxs and ultimately generators. As the “barge” is raised and lowered by the tides and gravity, electric power could be generated.
May 24th, 2009 at 4:10 pmOH EM GEE
April 26th, 2009 at 5:18 pmi like sooo love this site,
it like helped me out like sooooo much
We surfers sure know how to harness the waves and use them to our advantage to keep us moving. Its the same concept when it comes to generating energy.
February 2nd, 2009 at 6:01 pm